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Google Search API

Proxiware's Google SERP API: The fastest, most affordable solution for accessing real-time Google search data. Ideal for SEO analysis and market research.

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Why choose
Google Search API?

Google Search API stands out for its direct access to the world’s largest search database, offering real-time, relevant results. Its high-capacity infrastructure ensures consistent performance, while advanced customization options allow for tailored queries. Google's ongoing innovations guarantee state-of-the-art search capabilities, making it an ideal choice for precise, up-to-date data analysis and market insights. Choose Google Search API for reliability and cutting-edge technology in your data strategies.

Real Time Results

Get your results quickly. Most queries are completed within 1-2 seconds.

Avoid Blocks

We handle proxy management. Get the data you need without the headache.

Structured Data

Get results in either JSON or CSV format.

100% Sucess Rate

No failures. Get your results 100% of the time.

Effortless Integration

Easily integrate our API with your product or services.

Localized Content

Enjoy faster service and quicker response times while scraping anonymously and appearing as an organic user thanks to dedicated proxy servers.

Avoid Blocks

Enjoy faster service and quicker response times while scraping anonymously and appearing as an organic user thanks to dedicated proxy servers.

Complete Anonymity

Enjoy faster service and quicker response times while scraping anonymously and appearing as an organic user thanks to dedicated proxy servers.

Better Security

Enjoy faster service and quicker response times while scraping anonymously and appearing as an organic user thanks to dedicated proxy servers.

A Stable Network

Enjoy faster service and quicker response times while scraping anonymously and appearing as an organic user thanks to dedicated proxy servers.

Our Google Search API Plans


30 days



Starter Plan

50,000 Requests
150+ Countries
Instant Delivery
99.9% Uptime
24/7 Support
Get Started


30 days



Standard Plan

500,000 Requests
150+ Countries
Instant Delivery
99.9% Uptime
24/7 Support
Get Started


30 days



Business Plan

5,000,000 Requests
150+ Countries
Instant Delivery
99.9% Uptime
24/7 Support
Get Started


Proxiware is a proxy service that offers residential, mobile and datacenter proxies. Our team of specialists have been working in the proxy industry for over 5 years. With over 10 years of experience in networking solutions.


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